Peko me mac elengtwic iyi Alebtong District
Written by admin on February 23, 2024
Peko me mac elengtwic omio yuba me pwonyo bulu iy Apala One Stop Youth Centre), Alebtong district pwod pe ocakere.
Inino dwe 21/12/2023 iryonget me Common Market For Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Save the children, Horn of Africa Youth Network, kede National Youth Council otio kede ciling million 262 me ropo kede wilo computer ika pwonyere man.
Ilokere kede Unity FM, Akanycila a Bulu pi Alebtong district, Bonniface Apunyo okobo ni bulu apol tye kede miti me nwongo ngec me computer icenter man, ento cabit 2 okato angec , mac elengtwic orweny oko ikuno omio pwod pe ocako pwonyere.
En okobo ni otyeko dong coyo opwonye kede bulu ame apwonyere iyi ikori me 1, ento peko me mac elengtwic omio pwod pe ocako pwony.
Ikare ame Unity FM okubere kede Aran me lim ite National Youth Council, Sam Ogwal amako peko man, okobo ni otye okubere kede dul abwo kop me mac Alebtong man Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited me neno ni otyeko peko man wek bulu cak nwongo ngec.
En okobo ni otyeko coyo bulu 45 ame acako pwonyere oko acocoki dok iryonget me National Youth Council tye kede neno me kelo caran pi cuburu kor anyira ame kwan gi obale ikor yoo kede jo ape romo culo kwan.
Ogwal okobo ni dul me COMESA tye dang kede neno me gero oot adit ame obino tic kede me keto nyony me tic apapat iye wek bulu apol bed kede gum me nwongo pwonyere pi ryemo can ikin otedero.
En dang okobo Ministry abwo ber bedo otedero bino miyo ka pwonyere man nyony tic calo; jami me yubo motoka, jami me yubo bongo kede me yubo wic.